
The past two months in 10 pictures...

Do You think I can do it? Actually sum up the craziness that has stretched over the start of the school year and beyond in ten pictures?  Well, I'll give it a shot.

Family parties! Yep, we're still having them and savoring every bite!

Choosing the newest member of the family, Titus.

Smothering Aunt Molly with some niece/nephew lovin'

Apple picking with Nana and Pops in the mountains of Charlottesville

Field trip to the Frontier Culture Museum to live like colonist for a day.

Tour of  Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello.

We had our very own guide on our tour of the gardens. She loved the kids and let them sample some of Jefferson's favorite veggies.

And the trip would not have been complete without a taste of "Monticello Root Beer"

It looks like it took me 12 pictures, but I'm thinking you'll forgive me:)

We are finally finding a school year groove and our daily schedule is falling into place nicely. I stay busy. But busy is good, I guess. Striving daily to be thankful for the time God has given me with my little people.

"Enjoy the little things in life... for one day you'll look back and realize they were the BIG things." ~Brault

Hope you are all well, my friends